Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day In and Day Out

These last few weeks, I’ve been sharing about the wonderful countries I've had the opportunity to visit. Today it's time to focus on my daily journey, day in and day out! Along with my Furman classes, I am taking two of my classes at Vesalius College (VUB) - French and International Business Negotiations. Vesalius College is a small private international college, where I have been enjoying my classes. In International Business Negotiations, there are students from Portugal, Italy, Belgium, India, United States, Canada, France, Spain, Latvia, Germany, and the list goes on. Collaborating with students from these diverse countries and cultures is truly a learning experience in itself. Since our class is a simulation of former international negotiations, we are constantly exposed to each country's ideas, prejudices, and goals. This is certainly an opportunity one would only have while being in the minority in an international setting, so I'm appreciating this opportunity to learn and grow. Plus, my French is improving dramatically (oui!) and I can actually pronounce basic phrases - quite a relief when you're constantly meeting people who speak French or Dutch! In addition to these two courses, we meet with our Furman Brussels group once a week for European Studies and to review our internship experiences. In European Studies, we discuss our readings for our group trips, including books about WWI, WWII and the German Stasi regime, and current EU and US affairs. I especially enjoy our discussions relating to current events. We discuss and debate health care, sustainability/climate change, and science and research - all of which relate to my internship responsibilities. While it's enlightening to hear opinions from my peers, it's even more interesting to gain perspective on what the EU is trying to initiate in respect to these topics versus the US. I am gaining a completely new sense of the world we live in and the responsibilities of being global neighbors.

Of course, things in an unfamiliar country are never perfect, but always interesting. I recently spilled water on my keyboard, watched my keyboard sizzle and slowly die. On the brightside, the computer and mouse work! Haha, regardless of what happens in Europe - it's a constant adventure, testing you in simple and complicated ways. Now that I've been here more than two months, I'm beginning to notice how my peers and I are adapting to our new ways of life. It has become second nature living in a large urban city, using public transportation, being at least bilingual, interacting with professors and other students who have strong opinions about our home country, along with balancing classes, internships, travels, and communications with family and friends back home. It's no easy feat, but we are all making the best of every moment - growing with each step.

This week, three Furman friends came to visit. It was great showing them around like we were natives of Brussels – it reminded me that I haven’t been to many of the tourist spots since August! The second time around I see it through Belgium eyes, giving me an entirely new appreciation. Now that my roommates have had family and friends visit, I am more than eager for my mom to arrive! Even though I’ve been away at Furman for the past three years, there’s nothing better than feeling at home and that typically only happens when Mama Baker (her feelings on her nickname are debatable Haha!) is around! =) The countdown to her arrival begins - 9 days!


  1. I can not wait for my "Belgian" tour guide to show me around. As for Momma Baker... I just may have to be a guest blogger to tell every one how I feel abut that nickname! LoL

  2. Your day in and day out sounds like a rich once in a life experience. Enjoy

  3. Mama Baker, you should definitely enjoy your nickname :) Ash, it sounds like you're becoming so accustomed to your life over in Europe that you may never come home!!!! I'm glad you're so well adjusted, but I know I speak for everyone when I say can't wait for you to come back! Love, Becks
